It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by. How else, indeed, to clap the net over the butterfly of the moment? For the moment passes, it is forgotten; the mood is gone; life itself is gone. That is where the writer scores over his fellows: he catches the changes of his mind on the hop. ~Vita Sackville-West
Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia. ~E.L. Doctorow
Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very;" your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pandora Radio - Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music

I thought some of you might want to join me! I'm listening to my Pandora Radio station and folding laundry. Rock on! :) I'll be on my chat a little later.. hope to see some of you!!/stations/play/591853589049772325

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Family Fun

It's been awhile since I've had the time or energy to do much baking or crafting, so I decided to take a look around on I started with pies, as Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I'll have to start getting supplies. Here are a couple that look delicious and fun!

There's also so many fun family crafts on there! I can't wait to get started! I saw some very cute pipe cleaner ideas... also very inexpensive! Yay!  I'll be sure to add to this post when we make some stuff and I'll tell you all about it!

Liberty Plaza Occupiers March to DC

I just happened to be checking out, and saw that some of the Liberty Plaza Occupiers will be leaving the park tomorrow 11/9/11 at noon. Over the next 2 weeks, they will occupy the highway and march to Washington, DC. They will be there by the 11/23/11 Super Committee meeting. Just imagine how big this could get! How many people will join in on this march? I can't wait to see the word spreading even faster and what twists this may cause! This group has a page setup with a link to stay up to date on the march.. here it is!  This was a great idea and I look forward to tracking them and hearing from you!

Monday, October 31, 2011

All Hallow's Eve

This year we decided to forego the store-bought costumes and work with what we had on hand. It was really important to us to not waste money on cheap costumes and promotion of yet another "spending" holiday, especially with all that's going on in the world right now. As a kid that went to church harvest festivals, and not trick-or-treating, I did not want our kids to feel left out as I sometimes did.  The harvest festivals were a lot of fun, but the next day was always so disappointing. I would have my brown bag of candy and everyone else had their pillowcases. :(  So, therefore, imagination central!! Our idea was to dress the kids up as Occupy protesters, but they don't all understand it enough to explain it in class. It would be cute for trick-or-treating.. especially if we dressed as cops w/zip tie handcuffs-keep them on the sidewalk!! Maybe Mom and Dad will be protesters and still get the word out.. I do have some time to work on signs today! So, working with what we had.. Jazz is a vampire "changeling"(at school) and a zombie later, Justus and Hayden are zombies, and Kayleigh is a little devil! It was a little rushed before school, but I will have pics tonight! They actually turned out really cute and it was a fun weekend of "testing" costumes and makeup! Jasmyn did an excellent job on the kids' makeup too, maybe she should think about being a costume/makeup artist! She's got talent! :)  Also, we have a lot of apple orchards in the area and a bunch of great Jamaican guys come every year to work. This year, they gave us a huge bag full of apples, which will come in quite handy tonight. After we get home, I'm going to cut up a bunch to have with caramel and peanut butter caramel dip, so that we have plenty of time to sort through the candy and make sure it's safe! I might even make some popcorn balls! YUM!! We might just stay home next year and have our own harvest festival. Maybe a scary movie marathon, bobbing for apples, and eat the donut off a string contest. It's too bad we don't have a cornfield, I could have some fun making a maze! That's it! My mind's made year, we're having a party and we'll spend the month decorating and carving pumpkins and making spooky snacks! As for now, I'm going to go enjoy a quiet morning because the 3 little ones have a half day, and Jasmyn has an afternoon concert before we spruce up and head out on the town tonight! Have a spooktacular day! bwahahaha!!
Star Wars takes over Jasmyn's Halloween concert!!
Well, seems things never go quite as planned. After Jasmyn's concert this afternoon, which had a wonderful arrangement of Star Wars characters..and of which I have a video on my Facebook..I ran out to the store and grabbed some more candy, and I hate to admit it...but McDonald's.  The 3 younger siblings got Happy Meals, and Jazz got her Frappe.  Quite the special treat, as we rarely go to McDonald's, let alone get Happy Meals!  Jasmyn went trick-or-treating with Em's cousin, her boyfriend, and 3 boys...she was a great helper, I'm told.  And we stayed home with our 3 younger ones finishing dinner and handing out candy to our trick-or-treaters.  I took them around the park and they got quite a few goodies too!  Then, I made them pose for a few pics...on a sugar high...before cleaning them up and tucking them in.  All-in-all, it was great day...even if it wasn't what we're used to...we wanted something different anyway! :)
Our Zombie/Devil Rock Band
Zombie Rockers

Lil Devil

Stubborn Zombie (at least I got a couple pics)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just Another Day

I figured out how to add a chat box to here! I'm so excited! Now I can chat with you all and hear your suggestions! I'm hoping that this will help spur my lack of creativity that I've been struggling with lately. I've had such a problem thinking of something to write about, or what to post. Also I've been spending more time surfing and posting information elsewhere, and this provides me the opportunity to watch YouTube videos with you, while chatting about them. If you join the chat and I'm not there, feel free to chat amongst yourselves...we are family here! I will teach all newcomers how to change their name and watch YouTube with us! Please join me! I'm waiting for you! :) I also just found this link and I wanted to share it with you all.

I also wanted to share my friend's facebook group for healing and inspiration.. I've found some great links on there and I always feel more peaceful after skimming through it! :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hope from the Hopi Elders

I don't have much time to write today, but I wanted to let you all know that I'm still here. I've been focusing a lot of energy to our brothers and sisters in all the "occupied" zones, and I thought that some might enjoy this prophecy. I'm going to start reading it daily myself, for it brings me much hope and a great sense of calm and unity. Hope you enjoy!

 The Prophecy of the Hopi Elders:

Here is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid, who will try to hold on to the shore, they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, and keep our heads above water.
And I say see who is there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves, for the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves.
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
For we are the ones we have been waiting for.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Occupy Wall Street...around the world!

I hope everyone checks this out...! This is history in the making! I wish that we could be there physically, but we are there in spirit! This protest started Sept. 17th at Times Square. Information provided ahead of that date stated that the protest would last indefinitely, and as of today, there have been new protests started in LA and Chicago. It's difficult to keep up with the chat, but we've noticed Mexico, New Zealand, and Italy are joining in, and I'm sure many more. I'm ecstatic to see all of our brothers and sisters around the world taking part! This is what we've been waiting for people! Now is our chance to make a difference, yet again! There's so much more I'd love to say, but I'd love for the videos to speak for themselves also! This is definitely a post that I want to see your comments on and I will absolutely be commenting back! Let's keep getting the word out! Peace and Love! (>--)

 I've been busy watching livestream, and wishing I could be there. Sorry, I'm not posting much, but some comments would be great to get a conversation going. I've been having some great ones with people, great demands! Please, check out the links on my facebook page also, the information is all there! and are other great resources! We can all do our part...share, share, share! This is for all of us...the 99%! One love, one heart, one voice, one goal....need I go on?! (>--) and <3!

Monday, September 19, 2011

family history

Over the past month, I've spent a lot of time researching my genealogy. I've gotten back to the 1500's on my Grandpa Phillips' side and the 1600's on my Grandma White's side. Although, on the Phillips side, I'm missing one connection, which my Mom has. I have to get together with her and put together our findings. In the meantime, I wanted to take a minute to tell you what I've been up to, and to share a few pics I found.
This is my Great Great Aunt Katherine Rose, or Aunt Cake as we called her, and the baby is my Great Grandmother Eleanor Mae Rose Stevens, or Mae.
This is Kate and Mae a few years later.
This is my Great Great Grandfather Rev. Lewis Rose with Aunt Kate.
These are sisters, Elsie Miller Berdan, Katherine Miller, and my Great Great Grandmother Genevria Miller Rose. These 4 pics are from my Grandma White's side.
This last one is of the Phillips Band in Oswego, NY in 1916. Sorry it's so small...I will try to blow it up later. Hope you enjoy the pics and I will get back to you with a family tree link at a later to work I go! :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Day of School

So, here I first day of peace and quiet...drinking a cup of coffee, listening to the radio and wondering what to do next. The kids are off at school, Em's working, pics are uploaded...and I have blisters on my index finger and thumb from sharpening pencils an insane amount of pencils last night! :(  The breakfast dishes are staring at me...there's laundry to fold...but they can wait.(remember the blisters?! lol)  I wanted to start finishing up the embroidery I've been working on for too long, but...those darn blisters! So, I decided to write a note, but I've found that yet again...I'm facing writer's block.  Maybe I should just go back to bed! But wait!! I just remembered that I didn't finish editing pics yesterday! I think that's what I should do now...and speaking of, please check out my photography off to your right!  I'd love to hear from you! Let me know what ones you like the best! And to my photography friends...I'd really love your input and advice!  They are not currently for sale, but if you're that interested in one particular piece..I'm sure we can figure something out!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lucky 13 :)

So, it's official.  My beautiful Spazzy-Jazzy is a teenager. Where did the years go? I remember that day so's hard to forget the skunk that sprayed outside the hospital!  They switched me to another room and within an hour my little 6lb 5oz baby girl was in my arms. She was so teeny and precious. It was 2 weeks of pumping before she was finally able to nurse. See..she was stubborn then too!! She was the first grandchild and the first great-grandchild on both sides of my family and everyone was so happy to meet her. Sadly, we just said goodbye to my Grandpa Phillips, and we lost Grandma Phillips about 5 years ago, but we still have our memories of them, and a few great pics like the one above. Jasmyn'll always be my beautiful baby girl. No age will ever change that! I love you! :)
Lucky 13, right?!  It's actually been a pretty good number for me. I was born during the 13th inning of a Yankee/Sox game. And although most people would think a New Yorker would find it lucky if the Yanks had won, I'm not picky...and my brother would be happy to know that the Sox won it! Also, I recently got back in contact with my best friend, Erin, who moved to Indiana on MY 13th birthday.  I'll never forget that day either...I think we missed saying goodbye by about 15 minutes because I'd been on a Girl Scout trip to Canada.  But, I got some beautiful homemade gifts from was a blown-out egg with a cute little scene glued inside it.  So, even though some might focus on the negative aspects 13 has had for me..I'm an extremely positive person! This year will be a great and memorable one for my 13 year old! :)
Speaking of my oldest and dearest friend, Erin...she recently posted a birthday interview with her 6 year old on her blog.  I thought it was a cute here goes.
Miss Jasmyn...
What dreams do you have for your future?
I want to get married, and have 2-3 kids. I want to be a teacher's aide for learning disabled kids.

Who are your best friends?
Kaila Paninski, Cassie Bush, Emberlin Leja, Andrea Priest, Tiffani Teller, and Ashley Wood

What makes you happy?
friends, family and life

What makes you sad?

What do you like to do with your father (Dennis)?
going out to eat-and he never finishes all his food
going to the movies-where he wakes up snoring
going golfing

What do you like to do with your mom?
girl's day out

What do you like to do with your dad (Em)?
going to work with him
watching movies
jamming out w/the stereo cranked

What do you like to do with your brothers?

What do you like to do with your sister?
her hair and makeup

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite song?
The Show Goes On-by Lupe Fiasco

What's your favorite food?

What's your favorite animal?

What's you all-time favorite thing to do?
4-wheeling with Cassie Bush

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Quick Note to You

I decided that it's finally time to really start a blog. I've had a lot of inspiration from my friends lately, and I'm feeling a need to write and release! :) To get everyone caught up...I'm 32 years old, and my husband, Emerson, is 28. We have 4 beautiful kids..Jasmyn turns 13 tomorrow, Justus is 8, Kayleigh is 6, and Hayden is 5...and starting Kindergarten this year. This means that I will have a teenager...eek...and quiet days at home, which I am not used to. I'm hoping that this will help spur my creative side into action. I used to love writing short stories and poems, and firmly believe that writing is one of the best ways to connect with not only others, but yourself. Sadly, I've lost some of that connection with myself, and I'm looking forward to finding myself and reuniting with old friends and new. I hope you all enjoy my ramblings and look forward to hearing from you! :)