It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by. How else, indeed, to clap the net over the butterfly of the moment? For the moment passes, it is forgotten; the mood is gone; life itself is gone. That is where the writer scores over his fellows: he catches the changes of his mind on the hop. ~Vita Sackville-West
Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia. ~E.L. Doctorow
Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very;" your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Day of School

So, here I first day of peace and quiet...drinking a cup of coffee, listening to the radio and wondering what to do next. The kids are off at school, Em's working, pics are uploaded...and I have blisters on my index finger and thumb from sharpening pencils an insane amount of pencils last night! :(  The breakfast dishes are staring at me...there's laundry to fold...but they can wait.(remember the blisters?! lol)  I wanted to start finishing up the embroidery I've been working on for too long, but...those darn blisters! So, I decided to write a note, but I've found that yet again...I'm facing writer's block.  Maybe I should just go back to bed! But wait!! I just remembered that I didn't finish editing pics yesterday! I think that's what I should do now...and speaking of, please check out my photography off to your right!  I'd love to hear from you! Let me know what ones you like the best! And to my photography friends...I'd really love your input and advice!  They are not currently for sale, but if you're that interested in one particular piece..I'm sure we can figure something out!

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